Parent's Guide


This Parent's Guide was last updated on May 17th, 2024. Mobile games have become a popular form of entertainment for children, including those as young as 4 years old. While these games can offer educational and recreational benefits, it's important for parents to guide their children's gaming experiences to ensure they are safe and age-appropriate.

This parent's guide aims to help you make informed decisions about mobile games for your child, offered by APPLIFE LIMITED, a limited liability company registered in Republic of Cyprus under number HE 390348, having its address Griva Digeni, 51 ATHINAION COURT, Office 202, 8047, Paphos, Cyprus (”AppLife”).

Parental consent

Before your child can access and use our mobile game, we need your consent as a parent or legal guardian. This is a necessary step, especially if your child is under the age of 16, to comply with regulations.

When your child sets up their account or during the initial sign-up process, they will be asked to enter their date of birth. If the entered date indicates that they are under the age of consent, additional steps will be triggered. A notification or message will appear informing that parental consent is required for child to proceed with the game. This message will clearly explain why we need your consent, what type of information will be collected, and how it will be used.

To provide consent, you can either enter your email address or contact information directly into the game's interface. Alternatively, your child might receive a link or code that they can share with you. You will then receive a notification or email containing information about the game and a link to a consent form. This form will detail the data collected, its intended use, and give you the option to either grant or deny consent.

As an additional security measure, the consent form may include a verification step to confirm your identity. This could involve clicking a verification link in an email or entering a code provided in the consent request. Once you've provided consent, your child will be notified that he/she can now access the full features of the game.

We, as game developers, are required to keep records of the parental consent obtained for compliance purposes. We've designed this process to be clear, easy to understand, and user-friendly to ensure compliance and protect the privacy of young users. We also strive to regularly update our mechanisms to stay in compliance with evolving regulations and standards.

Understanding Age Appropriateness

Before downloading a mobile game, check the age rating on the app store. Look for games that are rated suitable for children. AppLife games have an age rating 4+. Keep in mind that age ratings are general guidelines, and what is appropriate for one child may not be suitable for another. Use your judgment based on your child's maturity and sensitivity.

Educational Value

Consider games that offer educational content. Many mobile games of AppLife can help improve children’s cognitive and problem-solving skills while being entertaining. Look for games that align with your child's interests and learning needs, whether it's math, language, science, or creativity.

Parental Controls

Most mobile devices have parental control features that allow you to set limits on screen time and restrict access to certain apps. Familiarize yourself with these settings and use them to ensure your child's gaming time is balanced.

Online Safety

Mobile games may have online features, even in games for young children. Make sure you understand these features and their potential risks. Teach your child not to share personal information, such as their name, age, or location, with strangers while playing games online.

In-App Purchases

Be cautious of games with in-app purchases. These can lead to unexpected charges on your account. Consider disabling in-app purchases or enabling a password requirement for purchases in the app store settings.

Screen Time Management

Establish a daily or weekly screen time limit for gaming and stick to it. Balance gaming with other activities like outdoor play, reading, and family time. Use gaming as a reward for completing chores or homework.

Co-Play and Supervision

Play games with your child to better understand their gaming experience and to bond with them. Supervise your child's gaming sessions, especially if they are interacting with others online.

Discussion and Communication

Encourage open communication with your children about their gaming experiences. Ask them about the games they play and what they enjoy about them. Address any concerns or questions your child may have about the games they are playing.

Physical Health

Ensure your child takes regular breaks from gaming to prevent eye strain and promote physical activity. Create a comfortable and ergonomic gaming environment to protect their posture and eyesight.

Model Healthy Gaming Habits

Set a positive example by demonstrating responsible screen time management and healthy gaming habits.

Mobile games can be a fun and educational part of your child's entertainment, but it's essential to be an involved and informed parent. By selecting age-appropriate games, setting boundaries, and maintaining open communication, you can ensure that your child has a safe and enjoyable gaming experience while also promoting their overall well-being.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email:

